and its lineage. It is made of Palomino grapes in Sanlúcar de Barrameda,
the exclusive source of light, dry Manzanilla sherry -the favorite of
aficionados throughout the world.
If you normally use one of the variety of "balsamic" wine vinegars, or cider
vinegar, you will be delighted with this new dimension you will add to your
cuisine. It has a bright zesty flavor, which is perfect for salads, and
vinaigrette dressings. It adds depth to soups and stews. Its commanding 7%
acidity means that a little bit provides a huge amount of rich flavor.
This exquisite Pedro Romero 'Prestige' Reserva Manzanilla Sherry Vinegar
comes from a long history of fine sherry vinegars stretching back for
generations within one of the original families who liberated the area
from the Moors in the 15th Century. It is made via the Solera process where
the mother vinegar is strengthened and refreshed each year by integrating
new generations of vinegar into the ancient base.
Over the years, the Valdespino family earned the reputation for producing
superlative sherry vinegar fermented in individual 500-liter oak casks.
After the fermentation had completely run its course and cold weather set
in, family members tasted each cask to make a selection. The result is
a fabled vinegar with hundreds of years of history.
In the sixteenth century, the Hapsburg Emperor Charles V (Carlos I of Spain),
sent Sanlúcar vinegars to Rome and the leading European Courts of France,
England, Scotland, Germany, Austria, Russia, and Poland. Be a part of history,
get a bottle of this.
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