I happened to run across these cookies by accident, once I ate them, I looked them up on the internet and ordered them through Amazon, you can never just eat one. They are sooooooooooooooooooo good.

I had a recipe for a raw kale salad that used these cookies, raw kale, parmesan cheese, sliced pears and pepper. The only other ingredient was olive oil. What a fabulous taste/texture experience. The salty cheese with the crunchy, sweet crushed cookies and the sweet soft pears and the curly kale. Delicious!
Buy Lazzaroni Amaretti Cookies Snaps 7oz Now
Ordered these for a topping that was needed for a Thanksgiving dessert. So yummy good that I was eating them plain. Also I have crushed them up with roasted pecans and am putting them on my Vanilla ice Cream.
Read Best Reviews of Lazzaroni Amaretti Cookies Snaps 7oz Here
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