Kedem Grape Juice

Kedem Grape JuiceI've always liked Grape JuiceI didn't have it often, but liked white grape juice best, tending to prefer extremely sweet things. White grape juice & apple juice are near-universal bases for juice-blends, as they're bland & cheap to produce. Reading about their high sugar content & relative lack of vitality/food value, especially in comparison with heart-nurturing purple grape juice/wines, I decided to try darker juices.

Welch's Concord Grape Juice was nice; Juicy Juice was OK; generic juices were generally not bad, tho of course they might not actually be juice but re-confabulations of concentrates plus high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). I've noticed over the past few years that HFCS tends to make me feel draggy; more recently, high fructose corn syrup's been implicated in our nation's widespread obesity, no pun intended. "Great, thanks, now ya tell me"... at least I know now!

Kedem Concord was available at my local warehouse store, price comparable with other juices, and a label check said it was made of Concord grapes, with some Concord grape concentrate, no HFCS. With one swallow, it was clear to me that this product was distinctly superior in flavor, texture, non-obtrusive sweetness and tartness, and bloomin' wholesomeness than any other grape juice I've ever had. It has body, a velvet touch to the tongue, and many more dimensions than just one jolt of flavor. It's a genuine food, not a slug of sugar & color & liquid as currently so many so-called juices are, like a pre-mixed kool-aid that needs refrigeration.

I'm far from wealthy & rarely buy treats (yep, even with the obesity!), especially juice, since actual fruit's better for me: more complete, cheaper, etc. I am regularly buying Kedem Concord grape juice though. Balancing dollars & quality, after again running my own consumer comparisons with other purple+/or concord grape juices, Kedem's still got it far, far over the other drinks available to me. I truly wonder what on earth could account for such a vivid difference.

I still hate spending the moneyit's good when cut half-& half with cheap raspberry lime seltzer, good mixed with other fresh & store-bought juices, good in cereal instead of milk (OK, an acquired taste, but I don't drink milk well), great mixed with nutritional (nicer than brewer's) yeast.

I do have to include a caveat, tho, as it's preserved with Potassium Metabisulfite, which some might have reactions to, esp. asthmatics like myself. Man, am I fortunate NOT to have experienced any reaction to the Kedem Concord Grape Juice that I like so much!

YepI likes it! And I whole-heartedly recommend it!

Grapes are very sweet. Adding more Grape Juice Concentrate to sweeten the juice is overdoing it. I wished Kedem would stop making a good product bad.

Buy Kedem Grape Juice Now


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